Slag Reducer & Conditioner Briquettes

A cheaper and more effective replacement to Synthetic Slag.

Having visited and attended shop floor operations of Steelmaking giants for years at length has given us a firsthand experience of the slag conditioning requirement at the Ladle furnace that led to our manufacturing an innovative Slag reducer and conditioner.

Our Slag Reducers & Conditioners can be used for both; Silicon Killed and Aluminium killed Steel. This completely eliminates the use of Synthetic Slag. In terms of quantities, only 50% of Slag Reducer & Conditioner replaces 100 % of Synthetic Slag.

Our Metallurgists & Technical team personally attend trials and guide usage of this product. It gives the Steel plants the following benefits: -Reduces the consumption of reductants (Aluminium & Silicon) -Replaces Synthetic Slag -Increases Refractory Life – Enhances Desulphurization -Enhances Absorption of Non-metallic inclusions Our USP lies in manufacturing the product with certain key characteristics that enable superior performance as compared to synthetic slags.

Synergizing our technical know-how with our manufacturing capability makes us a reliable supplier for your Slag. Good Slag makes Good Steel, Let us help you take care of the Slag, the steel will take care of itself.